On the occasion of the anniversary celebrations for the ‘Leibniz Year 2016’ we designed a flexible open-air stage which uses the ‘L’ of the foundation's CI proposal, designed by NODE Berlin Oslo, as a spatial component. A number of L-shaped beams unfold as a fan-like structure around a central pivot to create a mobile stage of different sizes. The light metal frame structure is covered with a flexible membrane similar to an accordion, which unfolds when setting up the stage, offering a weather protecting roof and folds up for transport. According to specific requirements, the pavilion size can vary from a quarter to a full circle, responding flexibly to any event format and different locations. The radiant structure of the stage and the bi-coloured finish of the frames create lively views from different angles and turn the stage into a beacon for any event.
A series of mobile stages for events, talks and performances
Different locations in public urban context in Berlin
Invited competition, finalist
Different sizes
Leibniz-Gemeinschaft e.V. Berlin
€ 250.000
Graphic design / CI
NODE Berlin Oslo
In collaboration with
Bernd Schmutz

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